Thames Valley Motorcycle Lodge No.9885

2018-08 August Ride Out

Sunday August 3rd to ... then to the Sindlesham Court BBQ.

In place of our regular BBQ at Barkham, after a short ride to .... all returned to the 50th Year Celebratory BBQ at Sindlesham Court. As usual the weather was very very warm, the food excellent value, and a really good time had by all. So much so, there are calls for a repeat, maybe even next year?

2018-07 July Ride Out

Sunday July 1st to the South Coast.

Report to follow from Colin Wills 

2018-06 June Ride Out

Sunday June 3rd to the Wild West.... well Wiltshire !!

2018 06 03 Malboro07

Clive NOT looking at his shoes /\

Clive looking at his shoes.... shoes? You sure Marcus? \/2018 06 03 Malboro05

So which way from here Marcus??????  \/

2018 06 03 Malboro122018 06 03 Malboro09

2018 06 03 Malboro102018 06 03 Malboro11

A Sunny Day Through Ancient Wiltshire.

The Ride started as normal at 9.30am from the Berkshire Masonic headquarters at Sindlesham near Wokingham. But a couple of us met as usual at Faringdon at 8am and had a nice warm up ride to Sindlesham.

It was forecast to be a sunny and bright day, perfect for motorcycling, and so it proved.

There was a good mixture of riders waiting at Sindlesham, including masons, non masons, male and female, and a couple of pillions.

10 bikes in all set of from Sindlesham and headed for the M4 Jnc 11. We then rode down to Jnc 12 where we left the Motorway and headed towards Pangbourne. On the road to Pangbourne we were joined by 2 extra bikes, one of which was a first timer with us, Mike Leeke with his good lady as pillion.

We then rode Pangbourne to Streatley, then Streatley to Harwell along the road that follows the downs and looks over the valley, a good B road with some nice overtaking opportunities, although there wasn't much traffic, but with the occasional bad junction. So we had to stay alert.

From Harwell we headed to Wantage and then took the technical narrow twisty road that follows the Ridgeway Path towards Ashbury. Getting stuck for a while behind a horsebox and a couple of cars.

We stopped off at the car park for the ancient Uffington White Horse Hill. This was a good place to stop and either take a short hike up the hill to take in the glorious views over Gods Valley , The Vale Of White Horse and of course Faringdon . Where I did my obligatory " you can see my house from up here" pointing in the general direction. After an ice lolly or ice cream from the van in the car park, we got back on the bikes and made our way to Ashbury then turned left on the road to Lambourn, passing Ashdown House on the way. The house the Lodge is named after. From Lambourn we headed south to Hungerford, then along the fabulous stretch of the A4 past Savernake Forest to Marlborough. After riding through Marlborough we stayed on the A4 passing the ancient Silbury Hill and then turning right to Avebury and the Stone Circle.

Here we stopped to regroup and have some grub in a nice little cafe next to the Red Lion pub right in the middle of the circle of stones.

After a bit of a rest a few of the group decided to make their way back home, the rest of us headed to Devises then took the road towards Salisbury,and Stonehenge, a great pacey B road with plenty of nice bends and open views. When we reached the road to the Stonehenge visitor car park we then turned left onto the A303 back towards Andover. After some gentle filtering past the normal traffic jam that is caused purely by car drivers slowing down to look at Stonehenge, we headed towards Andover. This was the point where some of us took a different route. Some headed up the A303 towards Basingstoke and home, some turned of the A303 and headed for Tidworth. We then rode the B road through Tidworth and towards Savernake forest, some then turned towards Hungerford and home, and a few of us from the West, headed to Marlborough and a final coffee stop in the high street.

All in all a great ride, on a variety of roads , with great weather and even greater company.


2018-05 May Ride

2018 05 13 WickhamLillys01

Outside Lilly's in Wickham.

9.15 at Sindlesham Court RG41 5EA for a 9.30 (prompt !) depart.
Mole Road to Aborfield Cross, Swallowfield Road to Riseley, onto A33 to Basingstoke
A339 to Alton, briefly onto A31 then A32 to Lower Farringdon and through the Meon Valley to Wickham
Breakfast / Coffee at Lilly's in the market Square - see
Trip is 50 miles & route planner says it is 1 hour & 20 minutes but I reckon we'll beat that!

Dave Angus

2017-12 December - Reading Toy Run 2017

Cancelled due to snow!!

2017-08 August Ride + BBQ

9.30 meet at Sindlesham Court, Mole Road RG41 5EA
Depart 10.00
Arborfield; Swallowfield; Heckfield; Mattingley;
Hook; Farnham; Tilford; Hindhead


Cup of tea at the Cafe & Barkham for the annual BBQ

For those attending Neil & Jayne's now annual BBQ (£5 per head, bring your own drink) we will return to 319 Barkham Road, RG41 4DG circa 1.00ish - please let Neil know if you are attending for catering purposes (or me & I will forward to Neil if you don't have his details).

Dave Angus

2017-07 July Ride - Lepe Country Park

A ride out to Lepe in Hampshire on the coast on the 2nd July starting from Sindlesham Court at 09:00 and to pick up any others from Nellies Diner about 45 minutes later for those from the Swindon area.

Route: Sindlesham Court; Mortimer; Aldermaston;
Little Nellies Diner. Newbury Road (A339) RG20 4TA;
Kingsclere; Overton; Whitchurch; Wherwell; Stockbridge; Romsey; Cross the M27 then south to Lepe Country Park
about 1h-45 minutes from Nellies.

There is a cafe there for your eating requirements, Ice cream as well!

The route has some technical bits with rides through small villages(no major roads). On the return the motorways and major roads will be used to speed up the homeward route. There is petrol at Nellies for those with half a tank

Colin Wills

2017-06 June 17th Starlights, Henley

2017 06 17 Starlight012017 06 17 Starlight022017 06 17 Starlight032017 06 17 Starlight042017 06 17 Starlight05

Sat 17th June, Upper Thames Motor Yacht Club, Mill Island Sonning RG4 6TW.
I take my bike and ride into the club at a set time around 11am and the kids stand by and enjoy me pass by .Then I park up and let them sit on the bike for photos also mums and dads (see attached). I would like 4 or 5 extra bikes with me this time as the kids really enjoy the site and sounds of motorbikes. Any volunteers will be able to stay for BBQ lunch and a boat trip as well. A small donation to starlight would be welcome Please let me know if you are willing to help by email or phone, thanks.
Details of starlight.
Starlight grants wishes for children with life threatening and life limiting conditions but they also organise “Fun Days” for all family members and this is where we come in. We have entertainment during the day, a BBQ lunch, and boat trips in the afternoon and tea on their return after which we have both exhausted children and members.
It is the parents responsibility to look after their children during the visit so please don’t be concerned that you have to undertake this responsibility. Remember some of them may be seriously ill but you would never know – it’s important to treat them as normal children. This is a fun day out for all members of the family which is probably a rare event due to parents having to spend a lot of time with their sick child.
I will require some help with this event please but will let you know further details nearer the time. I believe the catering team is organised but there are still lots of other less onerous jobs to do.
We ask members to offer their boats for the trips, lasting approximately 1 hour.
Thank you all in advance for your ongoing support for without you this event would not happen.

Richard Orton

2017-05 May Ride-out to the Chilterns

2017 05 07 Chilterns

This Sunday's ride out was a ride around the Chilterns, starting at H’s Café at Berinsfield at 10am for breakfast.

From Here to Warborough- Stadhampton-Thame-Princes Risborough-Wendover-Wigginton-Chesham-Amersham-High Wycombe-Stokenchurch-Christmas common-Nettelbed-Sonning common-Caversham-Sonning Then home.

Richard Orton

2017-04 Ace Cafe

Sunday 2nd April ’17 (Weather Permitting)

9.00 Arrive at Sindlesham Court, Mole Road, Sindlesham RG41 5EA

9.30 Depart to Winnersh Traffic Lights, straight over to Hurst, Twyford.

A321 to Wargrave, Henley.

Over Bridge to Traffic Lights in Town Centre, turn Right into Bell Street.

Right again past The Kenton Theatre & STOP at river frontage to collect Bikers from Farringdon etc. Approx 9.50, leave 10.00

Due to one-way system we will again come through town centre, Bell Street & then take the A4155 Marlow Road.

Through Marlow & then A404 to High Wycombe

Over M40 to Wycombe Town Centre & pick up the A40.

Continue on the A40 onto Western Avenue, past RAF Northolt, Greenford, Perivale.

Pick up North Circular just before Park Royal, past Alperton to NW10 7UD

Arrive circa 11.00

David Angus, 07912 022987

2017-03 March - Spain

2017 03 07 SpainThe Boys on Tour in Teba, Andulcia in Southern Spain.
Staying with and hiring bikes from the wonderful Mark and Lindsey Comer.


2016-12 Reading Toy Run

Sunday December 4th, Toy Run, new dimmension this year, Marsalling, and Bucket collecting!

2016 toyrun marshals

RideOut Calendar


Latest FULL Programme

11 08 24 - Weymouth & Portland Bill  - Ian Hopgood - 07768 601780

08 09 24 - Compton Abbas Airfield, Salisbury (Dave Angus Memorial Ride) - Richard Orton 07983 721818

13 10 24 - Lambourne Downs - Marcus Hilsdon 07774 920918

01 12 24 - Reading Toy Run (Marshalling)


Bike Nights/Cafes

H Cafe - Benson, Oxon

Ryker's Cafe - Box Hill, Surrey

Blackbush Airport, Camberley, Surrey (Weds lunchtimes)

Pinewood Bike Night - Crowthorne, Berks (Fri & Tues eves)

Poole Bike Night - Poole, Dorset (Tuesdays Apr-Sept)

