Thames Valley Motorcycle Lodge No.9885

2023-08 Compton Abass Memorial Ride & 10th Anniversary

Sunday August 6th 

The Thames Valley Motorcycle Lodge had one of its Monthly ride-outs on the 6th of August. This was a special occasion for 2 reasons.

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Firstly we were celebrating 10yrs since the founding of the Lodge, and to mark the occasion we decided to take a few photos of some of our bikes in a “10 formation” It was also interesting to note that many of the bikers in this photo are also in the photo of the bikes gathered for our Consecration.

0080CThe second occasion was that this was our annual ride out in memory of Bro David Angus.

Dave Angus RIPDaveAngusRIP2.jpg



David was a Founder Member and was very active not only in the Lodge but socially as well, joining us on many ride-outs and trips including the trips to Spain. His favorite local ride, which he would normally lead, was to Compton Abbas Airfield. So this naturally is where we headed.

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The majority of us, appropriately 14, started of meeting at Sindlesham, where we posed for the “10” photo. We then headed to Hungerford where we stopped for coffee and were joined by a few more from the West. We then took a leisurely ride to Compton Abbas, via Burbage, Tidworth, Salisbury, and Branford Forum. With only a small bit of rainfall, thanks to some excellent diversion routes by the leader (well to be honest I took a wrong turn and the rain followed 😁). It was a lovely sunny day if a little windy, but nice enough for us all to have a nice break watching the light aircraft take off and land in the tricky conditions.

 As usual, the ride was attended not only by members of the lodge but other masons and non-masons, so please feel free to join us next time. We tend to ride at a fairly leisurely pace so as to stick together and normally plan a route that allows riders to leave or join it as their schedule and time allows.


The next ride, September 3rd weather permitting, is out to Doms Cafe just outside Leominster.

Report by Marcus

RideOut Calendar


Latest FULL Programme

11 08 24 - Weymouth & Portland Bill  - Ian Hopgood - 07768 601780

08 09 24 - Compton Abbas Airfield, Salisbury (Dave Angus Memorial Ride) - Richard Orton 07983 721818

13 10 24 - Lambourne Downs - Marcus Hilsdon 07774 920918

01 12 24 - Reading Toy Run (Marshalling)


Bike Nights/Cafes

H Cafe - Benson, Oxon

Ryker's Cafe - Box Hill, Surrey

Blackbush Airport, Camberley, Surrey (Weds lunchtimes)

Pinewood Bike Night - Crowthorne, Berks (Fri & Tues eves)

Poole Bike Night - Poole, Dorset (Tuesdays Apr-Sept)

