Thames Valley Motorcycle Lodge No.9885

2019-08 August Ride Out

Sunday August 4th to Short Ride

Report and or photos awaited....

RideOut Calendar


Latest FULL Programme

11 08 24 - Weymouth & Portland Bill  - Ian Hopgood - 07768 601780

08 09 24 - Compton Abbas Airfield, Salisbury (Dave Angus Memorial Ride) - Richard Orton 07983 721818

13 10 24 - Lambourne Downs - Marcus Hilsdon 07774 920918

01 12 24 - Reading Toy Run (Marshalling)


Bike Nights/Cafes

H Cafe - Benson, Oxon

Ryker's Cafe - Box Hill, Surrey

Blackbush Airport, Camberley, Surrey (Weds lunchtimes)

Pinewood Bike Night - Crowthorne, Berks (Fri & Tues eves)

Poole Bike Night - Poole, Dorset (Tuesdays Apr-Sept)

